We drove through the Teton Pass, with a 10% grade, in so much snow we were concerned they would close that road also! Karsten just kept saying "I love snow". However, the twists and turns of the pass didn't agree with her today even with the sea bands!
After hitting the Visitors' Center in Jackson (and the National Parks out here have THE MOST INCREDIBLE visitor centers. This one was huge and had elk, wolf, bear, moose, etc. mounts in a life-like setting, just beautiful.) we began our trek on the west side of the Tetons. There were some fantastic paintings hanging a the entry by artist Greg McHuron. You can seen his work at www.mchuronstudio.com, but the site does not do his work justice!
The weather was not conducive for seeing mountain peaks today so we just kept going. We stopped in West Yellowstone at the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center. This is a home for grizzly and wolf who are unable to be returned to the wild for whatever reason. We saw Sam and Illie, brother and sister grizzlies, that weigh in at 800 & 900 pounds! There will be some videos on FB later! We also saw some of the most beautiful wolves. I liked this one.
My favorite Wolf |