Well, acclimating to the time zone changes has not been easy, as you can see by the posting times for the blogs! We gained another hour yesterday when we crossed the Idaho State line. So, as I type this portion of the blog it is almost 8:00 am EST but only 5:00 am here! Heading for the coast after breakfast!
What an incredible drive. We meandered our way through the Cascade Mountains and it was beauty beyond words. Waterfalls, moss, color, mist...
We rose in elevations up to 6,000 feet and found fresh snow and back down to temps in the seventies. Apple trees still adorned with fruit. Part of the area was rainforest. We have never seen anything like it! We could have been in a Jurasic movie. The trees had thick coatings of moss making them look soft and yet ancient at the same time.
Karsten took over the job of co-pilot today. She has been keeping in good spirits even though she suffers from motion sickeness. So, today while the roads flowed up and down like the sea and snaked through the mountain passes it was time for her to move to the front. Besides, with her driving being just around the corner learning to read the map and GPS was due.
We arrived in Bellingham checked into our hotel and then headed to Apple Yarn. I receive their newsletter and wanted to see the shop in person. Of course, I left with some new yarn and a new project.
Dinner and now time to say good night.
I love the Cascades!