Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 8

November 2 Sunrise
These first pictures are especially for my friend, Rosemary.  As we left Bozeman this was the sky!  While I know you see this spectcular sight often, as you know, I do not!  Isn't this a glorious sunrise?

We are winding and zig-zagging our way to West Glacier National Park.  Earlier I mentioned the beauty of Yellowstone and its natural reseeding after the fire in 1988.  All of the evergreens there looked plump, healthy and rich in color.  Now as we drive through McDonald Pass the greens are not so rich and there are many brown and dieing. 

Throughout the trip we have been blessed with rainbows!  Some peeking through the clouds and even one in its entirety! 

And we have even witnessed beautiful fall color.  Who would have thought that the yellows would still be hanging on this far North?

Today has proven to be quite the day.  While riding along on Highway 141 as we watched the rainbow fade, the mountains to our right and left, clouds overhead with patches of blue sky and sunshine we began to hear a squeak.  Squeaks and rattles are the last thing you want during a long road trip. 

Just about the time we looked at each other and asked "what is that?", the rear passenger tire went flying off the car!  But, of course, God is good!  Rick was able to control the car and no one was hurt. Before we even had a chance to evaluate our situation, which included no cell service, two-not one but two vehicles stopped to help.  We were in the middle of nowhere where you would not normally find much traffic.  Four men, our own Lone Rangers, approached and took over.  They unloaded our trunk, crawled under the car and began the process of getting us mobile again.  They just happened to be passing by at the same time...A God Wink? 

Ron knew exactly what needed to be done and took the lead.  The spare release mechanism was rusted to the bottom of the car and while Ron and Ray banged, pushed, pulled and anything they could think of to set the tire free, Larry  drove in search of tools.  The forth member of these angels of the Montana Hwy 141 was a retired prison Chaplain.  Originally from New York City but moved out West in 1964.  His first words to us were, "You guys are Christians?".  When I replied we were, he said, "Yeah, I saw the fish on the back of you truck.  I have one on mine, too."  That means they stopped before our trunk was even open! 

I don't think any of the men were from Montana, but they have all chosen this wilderness for their homes.  And each one was proud to be part of a place where lending a hand is "just what we do".  We assured them that they would receive the same treatment in the U.P.  And, of course, we encouraged them to come for a visit.

Fall Color
After about one and half hours of working on the car they successfully changed the tire and sent us on our way.  What did we use for payment?  Ella's cookies!  Thank you Ella, my tin of cookies came
 in quite handy!

Our Lone Rangers/Hwy 141 Angels headed off.  We got in the car, Rick turned the key and all we heard was click, click, click.  Once again a vehicle pulled up behind us as we got out of the car!  We had cables and they were kind enough to give us a jump.  The car started!  Another god Wink?

On the road again in search of air for the spare as it was not quite full.  We stopped in a little tiny town called Orvando.  A friendly store owner provided a much needed restroom and air for the limping tire.  Now off to Kalispell.

In tradition with Varecha style, there are no tires at any of the tire stores or dealers in Kalispell.  So, the dealer has ordered one and it is expected to be in tomorrow...

Dinner and back to the hotel.  We are at the base of the West Glacier entrance of the National Park and plan to See some sites in the morning, then get the tire, repack the car and hit the road.  Hopefully to make the Washington border by tomorrow night!

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